Welcome to my place. There are many things here you may find interesting and somethings you may not. All I ask is that you just take a peek inside. You never know you might like it! See you inside.
This is my house. This was taken when I came home on my first leave from the Air Force. My father made the "Welcome Home Kyle" sign.
That sign was place up on the house everytime I came home on leave.
This is my family. Starting from the top row and left to right my father George, sister Kim, mother Diane, my sister, Robyn and me Kyle.
If you move your mouse over a family members, you can learn a little bit about whoever you choose by click in the face.
Well, if you couldn't tell already, this is a site about my family, some close friends, and me.
So please feel free to browse around my site. It may not be the best in the world but it's a start.
I do have and email link for any suggestions, comments, or complaints so feel free to use that as well. Oh yeah, one more thing. When you are finished with browsing my site, please come back to the main page and click on the link to my friend marks page. He would like it. One more thing, if you would like to read some of the poems I wrote, you can click the link that says TO KYLE'S POEMS and to right to them. Otherwise, you would have to click on my face and get to them that way. Thanks.