Ok so now you want to learn a little bit about me now. What can I tell you? Well for starters, I am the creator of this site and I like creating web pages. I like just about everything. My hobbies include computers, four-wheeling in my truck, designing web pages (now that I know how to do it), and just hanging out with friends. I also like to write short stories and poems. If you would like to read some of the poems I have written, click on the word POEMS.

I am the youngest of my family. I have two older sisters who you can read about on my site. I have graduated from Salisbury High School in 1992 and worked in the construction field as a drywall finisher. The cool thing about that is I got to learn a trade for free and get paid for it. I worked drywall for about three and a half years and still do on the side for people but I would much rather does something else for 8 hours a day. Construction is cool but one can take so much.

After drywall, I decided to better myself and enlist in the United States Air Force. I enlisted for four years and have been to some pretty cool places. I have been to Germany, Hawaii, Japan, and Korea. I was stationed primarily at Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, Florida. What a wonderful place that was. White sandy beaches and clear water. They called it the "Emerald Coast". You can actually see the depth changes in the water and the water was always around 85 degrees. There was another thing I liked about living in Panama City. Spring Break! That was the best time. MTV came there for spring break and I got to see some pretty good concerts. I saw Bush, Collective Soul, The Goo Goo Dolls, Stone Temple Pilots, and Aerosmith. They all were great concerts. Unfortunately as the cruel world would have it, I decided not to reenlist in the military and move back home.

Now that I am living back at home, I have the best time just hanging out and being myself. That is what I do best. Well, that is all I have so please check out the rest of my site.